Oh man oh man I am really breaking theme here today aren't I? Well before you come to my house with pitchforks and other various angry mob equipment just hear me out for a second will you? Just think for a second, how many bands have you seen that have names based off of LOTR? Let me list a few out for you: Burzum(formerly Uruk-Hai), Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Amon Amarth, and many other less known ones as well. Clearly metal music has been pretty strongly influenced by the Lord Of The Rings and other of J.R.R Tolkiens' tales of Middle Earth. So here I'm going to present some art that was done of LOTR, and many of these paintings inspired Peter Jackson when he was making the film, and many may seem familiar to what you have seen in the movies.
This Illistration depicts the moment during the battle of Minas Tirith when Eowyn slays the Witch King of Angmar, art by John Howe
This shows Gandalf deep in thought, trying to figure out how to open the door to Moria, art done by Ted Nasmith for the 1996 Tolkien calendar
This painting depicts the showdown between Gandalf and the Balrog of Morgoth on a bridge in the mines of Moria, art done by Ted Nasmith
6/6/2013 12:34:53 pm

Wow I actually recognize Ted Nasmith's work. I'm pretty sure Tolkein was a little put out when his books became associated with the hippy culture in the 60's, I wonder what he'd think at a Gorgoroth show?


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